We have been talking a lot about mattresses lately. They are the foundation to a good night’s sleep. Today we are going to great wild and crazy and mix things up a bit. We are going to introduce you to Saskatoon International Furniture Wholesalers Adjustable Bed Bases.
Saskatoon International Furniture Wholesalers Adjustable Bed Bases
An adjustable bed bases brings your sleeping comfort to a totally new level. By adjusting your head, back and/or feet gives you the ability to find a sleeping position that is perfect. Our bodies are not flat so sleeping in a flat position can be very uncomfortable. Adjusting the elevation of different parts of your body can relieve pressure points on your body, reducing or eliminating any pain and discomfort you experience when you sleep. Not only are adjustable bases great for sleeping but they make reading, watching TV or having breakfast in bed much more enjoyable.
Types of Adjustable Bed Bases
Variety is the spice of life so let’s spice up your bed choices. With the base line adjustable bed only the head elevates allowing you sit up to read or watch TV and sleep in an inclined position. From here you can get beds that not only elevate the back but also the feet. Some beds will elevate the neck so you can lie flat and have you head tilted without having to tilt you entire body. So as you can see you have many different types you can choose from.
Anti-gravity Sleeping Position
Zero-gravity is a position that mimics the position astronauts are in during take off. The importance of this position is that alleviates pressure points on your body by distributing stress over your entire body. If it is good enough for astronauts who are we to argue? The position of zero-gravity is obtained by laying on your back with your head and legs above your heart and stomach. Adjustable bed bases are the perfect means to obtaining this position.
The benefit of sleeping in this position are:
- snoring relief
- decreased lower back pain
- reduced swelling
- improved heart health
- acid reflux relief
- improved breathing
This all translates into a great sleep and waking up each morning feeling refreshed, wide awake and ready to take on the world.
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3402 Faithful Ave
Saskatoon, SK S7K 8H1
(306) 955-1031
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